Advanced NDT

We offer technicques to evaluate your heat exchanger tube condition, the conventional techniques like hydrostatic pressure test let you know the defected tubes, but it does not give you awareness about corrosion rate and if your heat exchanger would be fit for purpose until next shutdown. Our techniques eliminate Probability of heat exchangers failure during service and thus unscheduled shut down, covering most damage mechanisms. The techniques used include but not limited to:

We offer technicques to evaluate your tank condition, saving your time and inspection costs, covering most damage mechanisms and 100% of the are being inspected, for both onstream and off stream. They are include but not limited to:

We offer technicques to evaluate your pipeline condition onstream without interrupting production. Our techniques eliminate Probability of pipeline failure and thus un scheduled shut down, saving your time and inspection costs, covering most damage mechanisms and 100% of the area being inspected. They are include but not limited to:

We offer techniques to evaluate your boiler condition, saving your time and inspection costs, Covering most damage mechanisms which result from elevated temperature. They are include but not limited to:

We offer techniques to evaluate your process piping condition while in service without interrupting production, saving your time and inspection costs, covering most damage mechanisms. They are include but not limited to:

We offer techniques to evaluate your pressure vessel condition on-stream without interrupting production. Our techniques eliminate Probability of vessel failure and thus un scheduled shut down, saving your time and inspection costs, covering most damage mechanisms and 100% of the area being inspected. They are include but not limited to:

We offer techniques to evaluate your insulated equipment condition, the conventional techniques require removing the insulation and stopping the production process, but our techniques is capable of detecting Corrosion under Insulation (CUI) and average wall thickness without removing insulation or interrupting production. The techniques used include but not limited to:

Transforming Efficiency with Gamma Scanning Solutions

Imagine a bustling refinery, where every second counts, and efficiency translates to success. Over time, even the most robust process columns can lose their edge, leading to costly downtimes and inefficiencies. This is where SA-International Ltd becomes your trusted partner in revitalizing your operations with our advanced gamma scanning solutions.

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