Environmental Measurements

We in SA-International believe that the environment protection is the responsibility of people, organizations and government. That is why we have a policy for environment protection and development but it is not only our contribution. SA-International help other companies, association and organizations to screen pollutants anywhere to see if they exceed the limits stated by the law no. 4-1994.

SA-International has a mobile laboratory to carry out environment measurements and studies on the following parameters:

Air quality analysis

it include screening of C2H6, C2H4, C3H8, C2H2, C4H10, Heavier CnHm, CO2, NOx, H2, H2S, NH3, O3, CL, HCL, NO3, FCLHC, CH4, H2, CO, SO2.


Water quality

Wind speed

Wind direction

Relative humidity



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